can you
Bullying is becoming a very serious problem, every year it gets worse and worse.
We are now hearing on the news about gangs of kids beating mentally ill children.
Is this really the kind of world we want to live in? We need to stand up and fight back,
we need to combat this problem. This website is not only to inform about the problem,
but also to help those who are being bullied. I want you to know "YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS FIGHT"

11 Facts about Bullying:
1. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.

2. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.

3. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or
more a school semester. Take a stand in your community by hosting a Bye
Bye Bullies even customizing your school's anti-bullying policy.

4. 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene
4% of the time.

5. By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers
about bullying.

6. Over 67% of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying,
with a high percentage of students believing that adults help is infrequent
and ineffective.

7. 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.

8. 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying.

9. 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying.

10. As boys age they are less and less likely to feel sympathy for
victims of bullying and are more likely to add to the problem than to solve it.

11. Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school
declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant.